Sunday, October 29, 2006

Sunday Drive to American Fork Canyon

It was getting late....time to head home.
So what am I suppose to do with all this gold I found?
Awesome roadside views!
It was so peaceful when the sun began to set.
I go no further without BPDP!
This was the smooth part of our journey.
Diana shows her love.
I posted a picture from this spot last week but had to take another picture because I love it here! The water looked so clear.....and cold!

Today was a beautiful day in Salt Lake City....65 deg. and sunny so Diana and I decided to go for a ride. We went to American Fork Canyon to see if we could find some moose for Diana to see. The ride was great...very relaxing. The canyon road first starts off paved and after a few miles up it branches off to different reservoirs and all these roads are dirt and rock. You pretty much need a 4x4 (on muddy or snowy days) or at least a vehicle with some clearance for the rocks. The first road Diana and I took wound up the mountain through thousands of pine trees which smelled great in the wind. We drove past sheer drop-off edges, aspens and pines, meadows and the occasional creek which we had to drive through. We drove until we came to a sign suggested we not go any further. So we got out and took a walk hoping to see some wildlife...none. We had talked on the way up about whether or not animals know it's hunting season and we think they do because we saw none. It was a nice walk though...very peaceful. Diana even stopped by an aspen tree to carve our initials into it! Anyways...on the way down we were getting ready to cross the creek again so before we started to go we decided to stop and roll up the windows. The first time through I told Diana I felt the Trooper sinking. This time she said to floor it through so we didn't get stuck! So halfway through I slipped it into neutral and reved up the engine and told her we were stuck! I thought it was funny.....she hit me. Apparently the fact that we were 10 miles from the nearest town, in the mountains with no one around she didn't find that funny. Anyways...we got to the bottom and decided to take a rougher road that leads up to where I saw the moose. When I say rougher I mean bigger rocks on the trail, snow and ice on the road because of higher alt. and an occasional area where rocks have accumulated on the road due to small rock slides. Now Diana wasn't too keen with the ice due to the fact that I was in 2 wheel drive and the rear end of the truck kinda slide a tad. I stopped...put it in 4x4 and we where fine. While rounding the next corner we saw a female biker struggling up the hill. (I mean pedal biker.) She let us pass and we waved and went on our way. Further up the road we stopped to take some pictures and the biker caught up with us. She asked where we were from in Illinois. We told her and come to find out she went to Oswego High School! She had moved here 3 years ago and said she saw our plates when we went by and had to find out where we were from. Small World. We said our goodbyes, she wished us a safe trip and we did the same and told her to watch out for moose. We decided to turn around because it was getting late and head home. Evidently the thought of moose scared her because she passed us again on the way down. After a few more stops on the way down for pictures we were on the highway headed home, tired from all the fresh air and hungry. Another wonderful day under our belts!


BPDP said...

You go no further without me...with me you'd go further and get stuck, freeze and starve to death...probably a good thing I wasn't there! You know damn well we'd have gone further down that road! Hell, I took a rental CAR down (actually UP) a road worse looking than that in Colorado one time!

Go Cards...oh, wait...they already did that...Cardinals Rule!!!


Anonymous said...

1. That third picture is awesome.

2. Awe - re: the initials. You two are so schmoopy

3. I probably see more DEER! on my way to work than you do!

4. By now, shouldn't you have Utah plates?

Utah Dagger said...

My plates expire at the end of November. You probably do see more deer because I only drive 5 min to work.

Anonymous said...

So you gonna try to get personalized plates? UTDAGGR ?

Utah Dagger said...

From what I hear personalized plates are VERY expensive out here! You don't see too many. UTDAGGR would be very cool though.