Thursday, December 14, 2006

Boredom Makes you do Weird Things......

So one again I was bored and decided to play with the camera while waiting for Cori to get out of school. She gets out of school at 11:18 am but I get there about 10:55 am to get a spot right in front or else I have to park down the street. Now my truck is filled with a little bit of everything to keep me occupied while waiting but does It's like filling a diaper bag full of toys for the kids when you go somewhere and once you get there there is not one thing in the bag that the child wants to play with. That's me. So luckily I always carry my camera with me because you never know when you'll find a good picture. This one above is not one of them but as I said...I was playing. I took about 10 close-ups of my nose....about 5 0r 6 of my eye.......15 or 20 of my hands.....and so on. I'm like a child....I need to be entertained or I get bored. I've read my newest Men's Journal about 30 times so I've resorted to pictures to pass the time. I wish I had snapped out of my staring long enough to get a picture of two kids getting into a fight while in line after recess. The one kid was making fun of the other kid and making faces and sticking his tongue out and what not. Well anyways...the teacher yelled for everyone to turn around in line. As soon as the kid in front who was making the faces turned around the kid in the back nailed him in the side of the head with his forearm. The other kid starts screaming and the teacher tells the fight club child to come to her. He doesn't...just a stare down. She starts the countdown...1.....2.....3.......4.........and he was gone. Before she could get to 5 he bolted down the sidewalk. Off she went after him......periodically stopping to do the counting thing again.....chasing him around the grass and trees for about 7 or 8 minutes until she grabbed him. Now I'm in my truck rooting for the kid like a fan at a baseball game rooting for the naked guy streaking across the field away from security. All I kept thinking was that he's in first grade and already a rebel. The future streaker at the Super Bowl or something. Go little dude....go.


Slinger said...

Dude, you totally just gained respect from me. I have such a hard time posting my mug online.

Utah Dagger said...

Pretty scary mug too.

Anonymous said...

Soooooo....You say you're a Cardinals fan, but you have the Matt Clemente goatee going...and don't give me that baloney that it's the Scott Spezio, because we all know he took it from the ex-CUBS Matt Clemente! Come on dude! Pick a team!

Anonymous said...

Nice mug! Haven't seen it in awhile. I didn't realize that you moved to Utah!

Slinger said...

Dag, FYI... That is my sister posting.

Utah Dagger said...

Don't get me started with the cubs...I don't want to upset you. Maybe next year....oh wait...they've been saying that for 97 years. I'm sorry they are so horrible. So sorry for you.